सोऽहम् - C'est Moi

र्पुथ्वीतलावरील माझे विचार आणि श्रद्धा.
Some thoughts and beliefs of my life on planet Earth.

Saturday, June 11, 2005

How was Engineer born?

They say it all began with the discovery of wheel. Discovery of wheel was the first enginnering feet performed by human ever.

No doubt discovery of wheel was a very important milestone in the field of development of human race. But I believe an engineer was born much before the discovery of wheel. Let me explain why...

They say need is the mother of all inventions. I totally agree with the saying. Now human needed to run fast / carry heavy loads which lead to the discovery of wheel. May be it was a serendipity, but yes, it was a very important discovery.

But I believe man faced more urgent need of something else much before the need of wheel. It was the need of 'food'. Indeed man can not do much if he's not full. So lemme tell a story how an engineer was born as a result of this need. This is a story of that era when they used to run after deer, hair , chicken and similar creatures and kill them with bare hands those days. Long long before the discovery of wheel... So one day a poor soul wandering in search of a pray to quench his hunger stumbled over something and hit the ground. There lied a tiny sharp edged stone which hurt our hero badly. Obviously our hero was not very happy over this and in frustration he swirled the thing which caused distress to him with all the force he could gather despite his weakness. Now a pray found inadvertantly itself in the trajectory of the tiny little sharp edged projectile moving with gread momentum and got killed becouse of the gread injury caused it. Our hero saw this pray waiting to be picked up and savoured it thanking the God Almighty.

The story does not end here. Our hero, now a glutton, went on to brag before his wife and kids how he killed a pray lying down on ground. And then he thought, okie, if I could do that inadvertantly lying on ground hurt, I could do that intentionally to grab a bigger and more delicious pray. He ran back to the tiny little sharp edged stone and showed his fellow men how to used it for kill. Thereafter all the ppl used shartp edged tools for hunting and no one was hungry then after.

Now do you see the birth of an Engineer there. Our hero observed some physical phenomena and recreaced it for the benefit of human kind. I believe that was when an Engineer was born.

Further down the line, our 'engineer' hero used his sharp adged tools, the original engineering invention, to carve wheel out of a big tree trunk and set pace for human development... didn't he?

(This idea struck me during a class debate long back. I also used it for our college magazine editorial then.)


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