सोऽहम् - C'est Moi

र्पुथ्वीतलावरील माझे विचार आणि श्रद्धा.
Some thoughts and beliefs of my life on planet Earth.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Mumbai ka Shangahi nahi Hum Mumbai ka Venice banayenge!!!

This one I got in email... Just cant let it go without publishing here...

One should look for converting problems into solutions. There is a big
buzz going about Mumbai to be next Shanghai. But I think the most
feasible idea is to convert Mumbai into Venice, the beautiful city in
Italy with water streets.

The question is: How we can make this dream come true? Mumbai has all
the qualities to become Venice. The recent rain proved that we can
manage to clog huge amount of water in a city which can actually be
used to convert existing streets into flowing water canals. Also, we
have few gates which act as outlet for the drainage water to flow into
the Sea. Now we can control the amount of water in the City streets
(say Canals) by opening and closing the gates. This is the simplest way
to convert Amchi Mumbai into world's biggest city with water streets.

Benefits of Converting Mumbai into Venice:

 Firstly, as government has done little till date to prepare the
city for next onslaught of monsoon, this initiative will help
Mumbaikars to enjoy the rain without fearing about anything.
 It will eliminate the traffic problem as well as reduce pollution
in the city as Mumbai will be having more of Boats and Tyres (for poor
people) instead of massive number of cars and two wheelers.
 Saving son infrastructure expenditure will be huge as we will not
require any concrete streets, flyovers, sea links, 4-laning of railway


One may argue that flooded city will displace lakhs (may be crores) of
legal as well as illegal slums in our great city. To answer that I
think in this case also Spirit of Mumbaikars will prevail. I am sure
that the team of politicians, gangsters and land (ohh!! Water) mafias
will come up with innovative technology which will enable us to built
low cost FLOATING SLUMS. This can actually eliminate the problem of
housing and water at one go. Also, as slum can move from one place to
another, encroachment laws won't make any difference to these
dignified citizens.

Finally, after year or two Mumbaikar will certainly master the art (as
they did about hanging in train, traveling in jam packed buses and
driving their vehicles in chaotic traffic) of building floating houses
(or slums). Once it happens then……….then…… we can say "Sea
is the Limit".

We "Mumbaikars" can venture into Sea to expand the reach of Mumbai
and the day is not far when some of us will touch the actual Venice and
convert it into on tiny suburb of Mumbai.

So…..just close those drainage gates and enjoy the feeling of being
in Venice.
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