सोऽहम् - C'est Moi

र्पुथ्वीतलावरील माझे विचार आणि श्रद्धा.
Some thoughts and beliefs of my life on planet Earth.

Saturday, February 05, 2005

Networking aka Sifarish

I am here in the land of opportunities since Aug 03. Well... opportunities are plenty out here, but one needs to know where the opportunity is. One must approch right person at right time (with or without right things under the belt). So everyone here is constantly looking for the right connection (read 'person') which will let them trap this right moment. In the Land of Opportunities, they call this as 'Networking'... but I prefer the desi equivalent of it... 'Sifarish'...'cos if this is not sifarish, then what is it?

Friday, February 04, 2005

I love Robert and Kramer

These days I'm following closely the (repeat) telecast of 'Eveybody Loves Raymond' and 'Seinfeld'. Hats of to Robert Barone and Cosmo Kramer.
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